Game Hack Day NYC
World of Fourcraft

World of Fourcraft
Ricky Robinett - back-end/Foursquare hacking
Brian Wrightson - Google Maps hacking
Chris Outram - back-end/framework hacking
Hannah Robinett - design/bulletproof HTML
Jeff O’Connell - JavaScript/OAuth hacking
Greg Zimerman - idea hacking
Jimmy Lee - unit test hacking
About the Hack
World of Fourcraft is an adventure of Social Conquest.
The object of the game is to join forces with your Borough Buddies and conquer New York City.
There are no prizes. There are no celebrations. The only reward is the feeling of pride you normally only get from being re-tweeted.
How do you play?
- Login into World of Fourcraft
- Swear your allegiance to your favorite Borough
- Incessantly check in on Foursquare, as you are want to do
- Visit the Battle Map to get the latest news on The Social Wars.

- foursquare API
- Google Maps API
- MongoDB
Source code and links