Game Hack Day NYC
Joysticc (changes)

Showing changes from revision #70 to #71: Added | Removed | Changed

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Toko Bunga JakartaDescription: Joysticc allows you to build games around a remote control app for the iphone that allows users to give explicit directions to each other. Games use two controllers, one to send commands (example: take two steps right) while the other receives the commands and relays it to the second player “Take two steps right”), Cotton Bud, Aksesoris Mobil | Anti Rayap | Pest Control

Contact Info

twitter: @humanjoysticc


Jon Gottfried jon at

Jarod Reyes jarodreyes at gmail dot com @jreyesdesign

Luke Freeman luke at @lukeaf

Code & Documentation

fork us @ github api docs


human frogger game


Something awesome, I’m sure.